" I don't want to tax your brains too hard right now but watch for further trivia questions later. Jim
Troop 115 Trivia Questions
By Jim Bradshaw
A little troop 115 Trivia some of this can be found in the videos on the web site and some cannot....
1)Who's farm was famous for camping trips?
2)What were the group of troops called when we started our own summer camp at Percy Quinn and not going to V-Bar?
3)Who floated off on an air matress on Scout Island in City Park during a severe rain storm and slept through it?
Hint: his Dad was a former scoutmaster.
4)What was the card called that certified you in using Knife and Ax?
5)What was Mr. Ted's famous saying on those long hiking trips he took us on when we asked him "how much farther Mr. Ted?
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